Free Tools
PowerStamper is a 3dsmax utility that paints the material texture by projecting bitmaps onto it. PowerStamper uses a UVW mesh and a viewport to project a bitmap, and uses attenuation values to control how the texture is projected.
Help Page.
UVW Frame
UVW Frame is a suite composed of two plug-ins, a helper that displays a frame in the viewport, and a modifier that converts anything that is inside this frame to a UVW mesh for another object. UVW Frame allows the artist to manipulate the UVW mesh in a 3D viewport, to use the Editable plugins on this mesh, and to use as many modifiers as he likes.
Help Page.
Stress is a 3dsmax texture map plugin that composes 3 different maps using the tension and compression values of the mesh object to which it is applied.
Help Page.
View Tools is a 3dsmax utility plugin that uses the view properties of the viewport to achieve modelling and visualization tasks.
Help Page.
SceneEngine is an open source 3D Production Library. SceneEngine includes import and export plugins for 3dsmax and Maya (other 3D application coming soon)
SceneEngine's official website.
CrackArt is an open source 3D texturing application. CrackArt is object oriented and features a flexible plug-in architecture. CrackArt is released under the terms of the zlib license, which allows the development of 3rd party commercial plugins.
CrackArt's official website.